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Upcoming Cavapoos

*Breezy & Cowboy
(Due by the end of March)
*Puppies should be ready to go around the middle of May *
21lbs Blue Merle Cavalier

11lbs Phantom Mini Poodle

*Naomi & Archie
(Due by the beginning of April)
*Puppies should be ready to go around the end of May *
18.5lbs Blenheim Cavalier

9lbs Apricot Toy Poodle

*Heidi & Rudy
(Due by the middle of April)
*Puppies should be ready to go around the beginning of June *
17lbs Red/White Parti Mini Poodle

14.6lbs Ruby Cavalier

*Eloise & Comet
(Due by the middle of April)
*Puppies should be ready to go around the beginning of June *
20lbs Tri Cavalier

17lbs Apricot/White Parti Mini Poodle
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